Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Creating my BLOG


I had to retype my desired password like 20 times. I finally gave up this fruitless exercise and experiment with my preexisting email address. Apparently when I'm trying to make a google account, it says it already exists. Then when I try to log in with the same email address, it says it does not. WTF!

So I reset my password because apparently my generic one I use for everything isn't valid. I reset it back to my generic one, so now it's all easy peasy. 


I see other people complaining and stressing out about upcoming obligations, most prominently are the AP tests and grades. I find myself not worrying whatsoever. To the point that I am somewhat worried about my lack of worrying. I am way too chill right now. A little stress can motivate me to actually study, but right now I am not feeling the pressure (TWO WEEKS AWAY), therefore I am not doing any thing particularly productive. Look at me now...I'm making a BLOG because this is the highest level of productivity I can achieve at the moment. 

I have so much time, yet none whatsoever at the same time. What a conundrum I am in. How to solve this dilemma? 




I'm probably going to be posting fairly frequently due to my tendency to just avoid studying and choice to just roam around the internet typing with no overt purpose. 

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